Pockets full of Memories

installation with memory-exchanging software

Memory is a mnemonic process that gathers information from several sources that, mixed up together, produce a combined outcome between either the personal and the collective level. This happens usually unconsciously, when people mix up their experiences into new ideas. Through the digitalization, we give custody of lots of information to static archives, that are not producing new outcome autonomously.

Memory WheelPockets full of memories is a software application that aims to reproduce this combinational process. It recalls and visualizes byte by byte the content of a memory device such as a personal hard drive; when another memory drive is connected to the system, it is analyzed and mixed with the first one. The result is then saved in both the archives and it becomes itself material fed to the system. The title is taken from the work of George Legrady, to wich this one refers to, but instead of bringing images and objects to contribute to an archive of pictures, the audience is invited to connect its personal USB stick and exchange bits of intimate data with the system.

The project has been presented in the Inhabited Interface Exhibition, 28th January – 4th February 2014 - bb15, Linz (AT), in the form of an interactive installation after the opening of the exhibition.

This project is a first research step for another work, the Memory Wheel.

Memory Wheel Memory Wheel Memory Wheel